The emphasis on social media in the present internet world has increased tremendously. The biggest advantage of social media is that your readers become your promoters because they share interesting posts within their social networking circles, thereby spreading word about your business. So, optimising your website for social media is extremely crucial. The best time to do this is when the site is being designed.  A web design Cardiff service can help in creating a website optimised for social media

Easy to find sharing icons

The basic requirement is that social networking widgets should be easy to spot on the page. Not many visitors read until the end of the post to decide if the write up is worth sharing. Usually, the first few paragraphs say it all.

So, if the social networking site icons are placed way below the page, chances of readers sharing the content reduce significantly. Place these icons at the top of the article or blog post so that it is easily visible. The other advantage is that this placement encourages people to share content. An example of a website that uses social icons

Titles can make all the difference

Your page should have a title tag that is instantly captivating. When you share a post on social networks, the title tag is displayed on the page. So, you should come up with a very interesting headline that compels readers to read the rest of your article and share it. The trick here is to highlight the headline instead of the company name.  
Encourage comment sharing
It is important to encourage commenting. But also important is to encourage visitors to share the comment with the larger world. Disqus is one service that is very useful in this regard. The service allows people to share comments on social networking sites. It also helps people personalise the experience by allowing them to post their pictures and names along with the comment. The entire process is more engaging and interesting.

Optimise the landing pages

You need to begin by running web analytics to identify the social networking platform that brings in maximum of your traffic. Secondly, figure out which page attracts maximum number of visitors from these channels. It does not necessarily have to be your home page.

Once you identify these two aspects, you can optimise these pages by adding effective call of action lines, encouraging sharing, establishing your brand and linking to other pages of your website or to your blog.

Add blogs and forums

Visitors are more likely to share blog posts and join forum discussions. So, adding blogs and forums to your website and interlinking pages can be a very effective social media optimisation method. When you hire the services of a web designers Cardiff company, your website is innovatively optimised for social media.